USGKNAUF Thundersteel™ Metal Profile

USGKNAUF ThundersteelTM  

Strongbuild Metal Frames

Safer    .   Smarter   .    Stronger

USGKNAUF Offers revolutionary range of Thundersteel™ metal profiles for false ceilings, drywalls, lining & other interior applications. Thundersteel™ drywall & false ceiling framing systems are easy to handle, economical, non-combustible and high quality as compared to more traditional framing materials.

Thundersteel™ metal profiles are specially designed to have chequered pattern which provides extra strength, rigidity & a unique design to hold the plasterboards or any substrate with a firm grip. These are rolled out with AZ 150 sheets to offer corrosion resistant profiles.


  1. Unique Chequered Pattern
  2. Aluminium-Zinc coating 150 GSM
  3. Superior Corrosion Resistance
  4. Extra Strength and Extra Rigidity


  1. Safe handling
  2. Maximised Life Span
  3. Enhance grip of plasterboards and Reduction in screw rotation
  4. Enhanced point load strength
  5. Easy to install, easy to cut
  6. Easy boxing of studs for enhanced height

Thundersteel™ Drywall Profiles – Studs

Thickness (mm) Web (mm) Flanges (mm) Length (mm)
0.50 48 34 & 36 3660
0.50 70 34 & 36 3660

Thundersteel™ Drywall Profiles – Floor & Ceiling Channel

Thickness (mm) Web (mm) Flanges (mm) Length (mm)
0.50 50 32 & 32 3660
0.50 72 32 & 32 3660

Thundersteel™ False Ceiling Profiles

Profile Thickness (mm) Web (mm) Flanges (mm) Length (mm)
Ceiling Section 0.50 51 27 3660
Intermediate Section 0.90 45 15 3660
Perimeter Channel 0.50 28 20 & 30 3660
Ceiling Angle 0.50 25 & 10 3660

Information provided are for reference purpose only and due care has been taken to ensure accuracy at time of publication. Products, specifications and requirements may vary according to geographical locations and applications. As each project is unique, please contact your local USGKnauf representative for further assessment.